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Green Beauty Conversations by Formula Botanica

Dec 26, 2024

Imagine a world where AI analyses every ingredient in a cosmetic formulation, identifies eco-friendly alternatives, and uncovers hidden benefits—all in the blink of an eye. Think this sounds futuristic? It’s not. This is happening right now, and it’s set to revolutionise the beauty industry.

In this episode of Green Beauty Conversations, host Lorraine Dallmeier, Chartered Environmentalist, Biologist, and CEO of Formula Botanica, sits down with Abdou Kane, CEO and VP of AI at InFLOWS AI, to explore how AI is transforming cosmetic formulation and paving the way for a more sustainable beauty industry.

Listen to this episode now to discover the future of beauty.


Free Resources

Free formulation course | Green Beauty Conversations Podcast | Blog | YouTube

Socials: Formula Botanica on Instagram | Lorraine Dallmeier on Instagram