Jul 11, 2024
In this episode of Green Beauty Conversations, Lorraine Dallmeier, CEO of Formula Botanica, welcomes Priscilla Rolvers, founder of the Green Cosmetics Revolution to discuss the new EU Greenwashing Directive.
Pretty soon, any beauty brand making eco-friendly claims in the European Union might want to start looking over their shoulder if they haven’t got the evidence to back up their sustainability claims.
Earlier this year in 2024, the European
Parliament officially approved a new greenwashing directive,
requiring member states – that’s the 27 countries currently in the
European Union - to introduce stricter rules surrounding the use of
environmental claims by companies.
This means that beauty brands operating in those 27 countries will
also fall under this requirement.
You can say goodbye to eco-friendly claims around non-recyclable packaging, or claims around environmental benefits that don’t exist, or biodegradability claims for ingredients or packaging that can only be broken down in big industrial processing facilities or – and this is a big one – claims of carbon neutrality that are solely based on buying offsets.
Listen now as Lorraine and Priscilla explore the ban's impact on sustainable beauty's future.
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Socials: Formula Botanica on Instagram | Lorraine Dallmeier on Instagram